Daftar Penelitian Dosen

02 Maret 2021

Penelitian yang dilaksanakan oleh dosen Tadris Bahasa Inggris IAIN Pekalongan berada di ruang lingkup agama, pendidikan, dan kebudayaan.

Dewi Puspitasari, M.Pd.

1. “Digital Storytelling: Engaging Students in Learning English for Specific Purposes”

2. Mommy, let’s Sing The Song With Me, Please.. A Narrative Study Of A Young Learner In The Javanese language Inquiry

3. One’s Facebook Status, A Reflective Self Representation

4. The Portraits of Indonesian Women in Advertisements Gender dan Seksualitas: Sebuah Perspektif Islam

5. Teacher’s strategies in survival speaking learning during COVID-19 pandemic
6. How do primary school English textbooks teach moral values? A critical discourse analysis

7. Exploring the Feelings of International Students; When We Learn Virtually during the COVID-19 Pandemic


Ahmad Burhanuddin, M.A.

1. A Comparative Study on Refusals in English by Indonesians Learners and Native Speakers of English

2. Error Analysis of English Sentences Written by Indonesian College Students

3. The Roles of American Values in Creating Differences Among Three Film Adaptations of Herman Melville’s Moby Dick: A Literary Transformation Study

4.  Improving Students’ Oral Communication Skills in Public Speaking through Individual Presentation Task

5.  English Speaking Difficulties Encountered by Indonesian EFL Learners

6.  Ki Hadjar Dewantara’s Thought About Holistic Education


Chubbi Millatina Rokhuma, M.Pd.

1. The Effect of “Number Heads Together” vs “Three Minutes Review” on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

2. A Comparative Study of Using Crossword Puzzles and Quartet Card to Enhance Students’ Vocabulary Mastery (A Case of the 4th Grade Students of MI Al Iman Banaran Gunung Pati)

3. Moderate Values Internalization in English Learning at Madrasah Aliyah Level: a Means to Prevent Radicalism


Muhammad Jauhari Sofi, M.A.

1. Politics of Female Identify in Traditional Java Through the Prism of Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s Gadis Pantai

2. Reclaiming Identity: Women, Social Exclusion, and Resistance in Bumi Manusia


Eros Meilina Sofa, M.Pd.

1. Islamic Values in Higher Education Students’ Communication In Edmodo learning Platform

2. Students’ Perceptions of The Implementation of Blended Learning in A Large English Class (Fachri Ali, M.Pd. dan Eros Meilina Sofa, M.Pd.)

3. The Existence of GTM in Teaching English to Current Students

4. Moral Values in Western and Indonesian Stories: A Research on the Stories for the Ninth Grade of Junior High School

5. Engaging Students in Reading by Analyzing Characters as A Part of Extensive Reading Activity


Fachri Ali, M.Pd.

1. Incorporating Values of Moderate Islam For The 21st Century Learners In An EFL Class

2. The Effect of Persuasive Writing Organizer and Dictogloss Strategies for Teaching Analytical Exposition Text Writing To Students With High and Low Anxiety

3. Students’ Perceptions of The Implementation of Blended Learning in A Large English Class (Fachri Ali, M.Pd. dan Eros Meilina Sofa, M.Pd.)


Norma Nofianto, M.Pd.

1. Teacher’s strategies in survival speaking learning during COVID-19 pandemic

2. Teenagers, Digital Media, and Language Development: An Exploration of Potential and Challenges in Promoting Their English Skills


Rayinda Eva Rahmah, M.Pd.

1. Moderate Values Internalization in English Learning at Madrasah Aliyah Level: a Means to Prevent Radicalism

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Tadris Bahasa Inggris
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